Flank Steak & Pommes Frites

Flank Steak & Pommes Frites

Blackened Flank Steak

Pommes Frites

Blackened Flank Steak

  1. Get the KUDU cast iron pan hot. Season your meat with S.P.G. for a delicious start to your grilled flank steak.
  2. Remove from heat, add oil and lay steak away from you. Put back over high heat for a good sear. When flipping steak add butter to baste.
  3. Grill asparagus with butter and S.P.G.
  4. Put steak to rest. In the same pan add Bechamel, gorgonzola, butter and garlic. Cook until all is incorporated.
  5. Batter and fry shallots for garnish.
  6. Serve on flat square plate with shallots for garnish.

Pommes Frites

  1. Add oil to pan over high heat until oil has reached 350°
  2. Add fries to pan until they blister (2 minutes)
  3. Remove, drain oil, toss in a metal bowl. While tossing, sprinkle salt and truffle oil.
  4. Garnish the grilled flank steak with fresh parsley and a side of aioli. Serve with any of our grilled sides.