Egg Bake

Egg Bake
  1. Light your charcoal in the KUDU and let them burn to embers with a layer of white ash.
  2. Adjust your grill height over the embers at medium heat (approx. 400 degrees).
  3. Move your grill grate to that height and place your bacon and sausage on the grill. Turn until cooked, raise grill and allow to rest.
  4. Bring the skillet over medium heat. Add a large spoonful of duck fat along with your onions, bell peppers and mushrooms.
  5. Make sure all the vegetables are cooking on the bottom of the skillet and turn them ever so often to cook them thoroughly.
  6. Once your vegetables have cooked down, crack the eggs over them spreading the eggs out.
  7. Now slice the chorizo and break up the bacon spreading them throughout the skillet.
  8. Layer the top with cheese.
  9. Cover the cast-iron skillet with aluminium foil, allowing the eggs to poach.
  10. Remove and serve.