Alabama White vs Carolina Red

Alabama White vs Carolina Red

Red Sauce

White Sauce

  1. Light your charcoal in the KUDU and let them burn to embers with a layer of white ash.
  2. While the charcoal is prepping prepare your chicken wings and corn.
  3. Lightly coat the chicken wings in olive oil salt and pepper.
  4. Pull the corn husk back cleaning the ear of corn.
  5. Take the longest leaves and tie a knot around the corn husk.
  6. Lightly coat the corn with olive oil salt and pepper.
  7. Adjust your grill height over the embers at medium heat (approx. 400 degrees).
  8. Move your grill grate to that height and place your chicken wings and corn on the grill.
  9. Rotate the wings and corn every few minutes, browning all sides.
  10. Once the chicken skin has begun to char begin adding white sauce and red sauce to the wings separately. Allow the ember smoke to help coat the wings turning every few minutes
  11. Use a meat thermometer to make sure the wings are 165 degrees.
  12. Remove and serve.