BBQ Chicken Lollipops

BBQ Chicken Lollipops



  1. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat.
  2. Simmer for 10 minutes, stirring to incorporate.
  3. Set aside.

Prepare chicken lollipops

  1. You need a sharp knife and a pair of kitchen shears. The goal is to trim away the meat on the thin end of the drumstick, leaving you with a clean presentation and a thick juicy bite of meat.
  2. Using your knife, make a cut all the way around the lower part of the leg. Then, using your shears, cut through the exposed meat and tendons. Push the meat down and trim the cartilage and skin around the knuckle.


  1. Light your KUDU Grill.
  2. Apply the olive oil to the chicken and then liberally season them with the poultry rub.
  3. Place the chicken on the grill grate over direct heat (target 375 degrees), with the meat side down and the bone facing up. Grill until the internal temperature reaches between 150 to 155 degrees F.
  4. Dunk the drumsticks into the glaze and move to indirect heat by raising your KUDU Grill grate. Continue grilling over indirect heat until the internal temperature of the chicken reaches 170 degrees F.
  5. Remove the drumsticks from the grill and glaze one more time for extra flavor.
  6. Rest for 10 minutes before serving.