Grilled Peach Salad

Grilled Peach Salad
  1. You need the perfect heat for your grilled peach salad. Light your charcoal in the KUDU and let them burn to embers with a layer of white ash.
  2. Cut the peaches in half, removing the pit.
  3. Drizzle a little olive oil and salt and pepper onto the peaches.
  4. Adjust your grill height over the embers at medium-high heat (approx. 500 degrees).
  5. Move your KUDU grill grate to that height and place the peaches on the grill pit-side down.
  6. Once they have nice char marks, flip the peaches skin side down. Fill the pits with blue cheese.
  7. Once the cheese has melted remove from grill.
  8. Placed grilled peaches on a bed of arugula leaves, sprinkle slivered almonds and drizzle honey.
  9. Serve and enjoy!