Bacon grilled cheese roll-ups

Bacon grilled cheese roll-ups
  1. Gather ingredients.
  2. Light your KUDU.
  3. Adjust your KUDU Cast Iron Pan to high heat and cook all 8 pieces of bacon to your preference. Once cooked, swing your KUDU Cast Iron Pan off the heat and start preparing your cheese rolls ups.
  4. Slice the crusts off all 8 slices of bread.
  5. Using a rolling pin, flatten each slice of bread and sprinkle with cheese.
  6. Add a slice of bacon to the edge closest to you (optional). Brush the very end with melted butter, then tightly but carefully roll. Leave seam-side-down and move onto the next slice, and repeat.
  7. Once you've made all the roll-ups, brush them all over with butter.
  8. Adjust your KUDU Cast Iron Pan over medium heat and place the bacon cheese roll-ups seam-side-down. Use your tongs to rotate them until they're golden/crispy all over, with the cheese just starting to leak out.
  9. Serve as a savory breakfast, snack, or a surprise lunchbox treat for the kids.